
ExMon TimeBot: Advanced Timesheet Monitoring

A small consulting firm can lose up to USD$1.6M annually due to poor time tracking. The main cause? Incorrect or a lack of time logs.

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Data quality errors and exceptions to business processes lead to lost revenue and added costs.


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Catching Over


exceptions before it is escalted into lost revenues or added cost

Tighten Your Time Tracking and Reclaim Your Lost Revenue

It is a fact that time is money – and for consultancy firms especially, this could not be more true when tracking billable hours is your daily bread. But when there are cracks in the process, leaks are inevitable. It can be startling for any company to discover the full extent of leaked revenue, but the problem is uncomfortably real, and implementing a solution is imperative to addressing it.

Poor time tracking in an organization can be the result of a number of missteps, such as tracking time from old pricelists, simple daily time-logging errors, or registering time for staff using incorrect pay rates. But these mistakes take considerable amounts of time to repair, which is a significant concern when a waste of time literally equals a waste of money.

However, revenue leaks due to bad time-tracking practices don’t have to be the fate of your business – sometimes, a tool is all you need to regain control.

The Solution: ExMon TimeBot

It’s our goal to ensure that every billable hour is recorded – seamlessly and accurately.

Our advanced timesheet bot makes this a reality.

By continuously scanning and auditing time registrations, our TimeBot will instantly flag any potential issues – also identifying where in the company the problem occurred. This means that any concerns can be directed to the correct team member or project manager responsible for that time-tracking task. TimeBot also offers valuable guidance on not only how to fix the issues, but also on how to help prevent the issues from recurring in the future.

Managers will also have a complete overview of the health of the company timesheets thanks to the analytical report generated by TimeBot.

Let TimeBot take care of:

Ensuring every billable hour is accurately recorded

Helping you to avoid common but damaging timesheet mistakes

Drastically reducing the amount of time spent on timesheet monitoring

Coaching your employees in adopting better timesheet habits

So, How Does TimeBot Work?

So, How Does TimeBot Work?

Identifying where the problem lies is the first step in being able to fix it.

By not having the full picture of the health of your timesheets, you also won’t have insight into what the issues are or how to repair them.

Intelligent and data-driven, TimeBot removes the guesswork and illuminates the true state of timekeeping. User-friendly reports show each employee’s performance relative to other team members, plus it provides helpful guidance tailored to the results of an individual employee’s timesheets.

TimeBot provides valuable insight while also ensuring your team keeps healthy timesheet habits.

A hassle-free solution, TimeBot is:

Quick and easy to set up

Lightweight and cloud-based

Easily integrated with existing time-tracking tools such as Harvest, Toggl, Jira, and many more

It’s Time to Let TimeBot Sharpen Your Systems

Not ready to commit? TimeBot is free for 30 days (no credit card required)

Start experiencing the many benefits of TimeBot now.

Setup is quick and easy and you will receive your first timesheet report within 48 hours of signing up. Better time tracking and boosted revenue can become your reality in just a few clicks – get started today!

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Process Orchestration

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